BlackFacts Details

African American History in the West Bibliography Authors & Editors

Abajian, James de T. Blacks and Their Contributions to the American West: A Bibliography and Union List of Library Holdings Through 1970 Yes

Acosta, June Waiting in Line at the Drugstore, And Other Writings of James Thomas Jackson Yes

Baker, T. Lindsay The WPA Oklahoma Slave Narratives Yes

Baker, T. Lindsay Till Freedom Cried Out: Memories of Texas Slave Life Yes

Baldassare, Mark The Los Angeles Riots: Lessons for the Urban Future Yes

Barr, Alwyn Black Leaders: Texans for Their Times Yes

Bataille, Gretchen M. Living the Dream in Arizona : The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Yes

Bellington, Monroe Lee ed., and Roger D. Hardaway African Americans on the Western Frontier Yes

Bringhurst, Newell G. ed., Smith, Darron T. Black and Mormon Yes

Bryant, Clora Central Avenue Sounds: Jazz in Los Angeles Yes

Bullock, Paul Watts, The Aftermath: An Inside View of the Ghetto, By the People of Watts Yes

Chan, Sucheng and others Peoples of Color in the American West Yes

Chang, Edward T. Los Angeles, Struggles Toward Multiethnic Community: Asian American, African American & Latino Perspectives Yes

Corroll, John M. The Black Military Experience in the American West Yes

Coughtry, Jamie Civil Rights Efforts in Las Vegas: 1940s-1980s Yes

Coughtry, Jamie Woodrow Wilson: Race, Community, and Politics in Las Vegas, 1940s-1980s Yes

Coughtry, Jamie and Helen M. Blue Clarence Ray: Black Politics and Gaming in Las Vegas, 1920s-1980s Yes

Davis, Cynthia ed., and Mitchell, Verner D. Western Echos of the Harlem Renaissance: The Life and Writings of Anita Scott Coleman Yes

de Graaf, Lawrence and Quintard Taylor Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California Yes

DeBow, Samuel P. and Edward A. Pitter Whos Who in Religious, Fraternal, Social, Civic and Commercial Life on the Pacific Coast

Diaz, Ed Horace Roscoe Cayton: Selected Writings (2 Vols.)

DjeDje, Jacqueline Cogdell California Soul: Music of

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