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What Can I Do With A Black Studies Major?

220 Answers


Robert Fikes, Jr., Librarian

San Diego State University

The interdisciplinary field of Blacks Studies—alternatively called African American Studies, Afro-American Studies, Africana Studies, Pan African Studies, or Afro-Ethnic Studies, depending on the school where it is offered---is a relative newcomer on the academic scene and its proponents have had to defend its theoretical underpinnings and practicality, something which the traditional liberal arts fields are also challenged to do but not to the same extent.  Since the establishment of the nation’s first Black Studies department in 1968 at San Francisco State University, and despite the wide acceptance and institutionalization of Black Studies in academia, there still remains the  nagging question about its ability to produce outstanding citizens equal in quality to individuals who as undergraduates majored in, say, history or English or art.  Black Studies has now been around long enough to notice its handiwork: men and women constructively contributing to society, employed in a wide spectrum of professions.  

It is a difficult task to compile a list of noteworthy people who majored in Black Studies because there are so many who could easily qualify.  This list merely scratches the surface.  Black Studies attracts a broad span of interested scholars.  Not only persons of African descent, but also persons of European, Asian, Latino, Middle Eastern, and Native American descent are represented in the list.  Some of those mentioned are virtually household names or have received considerable local or regional attention.  Their professions range from A (Astronaut) to Z (Zoo administrator).   In short, the answer to those asking what can a person do with a Black Studies major is simple: . . . . Anything!

Most of the entries contain a brief sketch of the person’s career, the type of degree obtained in Black Studies, and additional (usually graduate) degrees in other disciplines which the person was granted.

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